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Wigamog Inn Resort • Haliburton Ontario Canada • (705) 457-2000
Dietary Concern Form
n the interest of better serving our guest, Chef James Jennings may require additional information on dietary concerns. Dietary concerns such as vegetarians, vegan, lactose intolerance and allergies are accommodated regularly, through good communication and planning.
This is where you come in. If you could fill in the following information being as specific as possible and feel free to add notes or additional information if necessary. Please either send this form back to us or fax to (705) 457-1962 as soon as possible.
Wigamog Inn Resort treats all of our guests as if they were members of our family. In order to protect the safety of our guests with allergies we ask that you please e-mail or bring with you a recent photo and list of your dietary needs so that we can post these on our “Allergy Awareness” board in the kitchen. This will assist all of our service staff in recognizing and servicing you better.
At Wigamog Inn Resort we are committed to your privacy and security. Any personal information that you provide when visiting this web site will be used for the sole purpose for which it was collected but be assured that this information will never be sold, traded or loaned to anyone unless you give us specific permission to do so.
We may also use your information to contact you when necessary for the administration of your account. As well, we use your email address as a unique identifier in our record system to verify communications from you and to deploy newsletters and promotional offerings.